Business intelligence as code: build fast, interactive data visualizations in pure SQL and markdown
SVGPS converts your icons into a single JSON file that is ready to use in your frontend or mobile projects.
Easy to use batch image compression software. Powered by Svelte 5 🧡 Electron. 简单易用的批量图片压缩软件,使用 Svelte 5、Electron 构建。
This is an AliExpress Clone E-commerce site built with Nuxt 3, Vue JS, Supabase, Stripe, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, Pinia, and hosted on Netlify
We have a new website 👀, built with NuxtJS and Tailwind CSS, it's fast! Uses Cypress and Mocha for testing and is automated with GH Actions.
Anime streaming site with Anilist OAuth. Built with Nextjs14, Drizzle, NextAuth, Shadcn-UI, Next-PWA and Tremor
A car rental website built with Next.js (App Router), Vercel Postgres, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI and Leaflet
Recipe Generator powered by OpenAI and ChatGPT. Built with Next.Js 14 Server Actions, Supabase, Clerk, Tailwind CSS, Radix UI, shadcn/ui
Build beautiful landing pages with prebuild code blocks. All based on shadcn-ui and tailwind.
✍️ My personal information security blog—built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, and Contentlayer.
Franken UI is an HTML-first, open-source library of UI components that works as a standalone or as a Tailwind CSS plugin. It is compatible with UIkit 3. The design is influenced by shadcn/ui.
Full genealogy application using Laravel 11, PHP 8.3, Filament 3.2 and Livewire 3.5
A svelte 5 and sveltekit saas boilerplate. Including database, authentication, email, analytics, and landing page components.
A modest job board platform built with Laravel. Follow along with the videos below to get an in-depth look at its development.
🥰🥰A free chat platform that encrypts conversation information throughout the process to protect your security and privacy. No information is collected from you and no permissions are required from you.End of chat Clear all records✨✨
NextCRM is a CRM build on top of the latest Next.JS 14. using TypeScript, great UI library shadcn, Prisma and MongoDB as a database. Uploadthings as a S3 blob for document storage. self hostable, feature rich, minimalistic and open source URL shortener. Built with Next.js, Drizzle, NextAuth and Postgres.
An address autocomplete component built with Google Places API and shadcn components.