Latest Tailwind Themes

The latest Tailwind themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Tailwindcss Typography screenshot

Beautiful typographic defaults for HTML you don't control. screenshot

HTML, CSS, JS sandbox.

Jest Html Reporters screenshot

🌈 Reporter for jest test framework. 🌈

Draw A Ui screenshot

Draw a mockup and generate html for it

Component Gallery screenshot

The Component Gallery is a collection of components from the best Design Systems. Built with Gatsby and Airtable.

Kodi Tv screenshot

the Gatsby code for the web site screenshot

Official docs, website, and handbook for PostHog. screenshot

React documentation website in Russian / Официальная русская версия сайта React

Sentry Docs screenshot

Sentry's documentation (and tools to build it)

Substrate Docs screenshot

Substrate Developer Hub. Substrate is powered by best in class cryptographic research and comes with peer to peer networking, consensus mechanisms, and much more. screenshot

🧬 My personal website with a list of my projects that help people learn and blog posts about life, web-development, and machine-learning.

Website screenshot

Official docs and website for Neon.

Admin One Vue screenshot

Free Vue 3.x Tailwind 3.x Vite 4.x TypeScript 4.x Admin Dashboard with dark mode

Chatgpt Voice screenshot

Have a conversation with ChatGPT. Casually 🔈 🤖 ⚡️

Cpwp screenshot



Chinese Programmer Wrong Pronunciation

Docketeer screenshot

A Docker & Kubernetes developer tool to manage containers & visualize both cluster and container metrics

Florians Site screenshot

Florians personal site

Github Profile Readme Generator screenshot

🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI.

Honohub screenshot

A headless CMS framework using Hono + Drizzle + Zod + Vite

Hybridly screenshot

Solution to develop server-driven, client-rendered applications

Mapchecking screenshot

Source code of

Mini Qr screenshot

Mini accessible web app to generate customized qr codes easily 👾

Mosha Vue Toastify screenshot

A light weight and fun Vue 3 toast or notification or snack bar or however you wanna call it library.

Overlayed screenshot

A modern, open-source, and free voice chat overlay for Discord that supports Mac, Linux, and Windows

PureChat screenshot

PureChat 是一个集成 ChatGPT 的聊天应用,基于 Vue3 ,Vite5,Electron开发

React Antd Low Code screenshot

简易版 react 低代码平台

React Weather screenshot

Weather that's easy on the eyes

ResumeOnTheWeb Gatsby screenshot

Everyone needs their own little spot on the interwebs, and this is mine. Welcome to my resume, on the web! Gatsby screenshot

The official website of the Rocky Linux project.

TerraMours_Gpt_Web screenshot

TerraMours实战项目,基于vue3.0+ts+naive UI+vite的ChatGPT项目前端。实现用户登陆和基于SK的多语言模型聊天、基于chatgpt和SD的多模型图片生成等功能。

Vue Draggable Next screenshot

Vue 3 drag-and-drop component

Vue3 Cloud Music screenshot


Vue3 Vant4 Mobile screenshot

👋👋👋 基于Vue3.4、Vite5、Vant4、Pinia、Typescript、UnoCSS等主流技术开发,集成 Dark Mode(暗黑)模式和系统主题色,且持久化保存,集成 Mock 数据,包括登录/注册/找回/keep-alive/Axios/useEcharts/IconSvg等其他扩展。你可以在此之上直接开发你的业务代码!

Vuefinder screenshot

Empower your Vue.js applications with this versatile and customizable file manager component, simplifying file organization and navigation.

Zhithead screenshot

Zhithead is a clone of the original card game shithead made for the browser

Gradient Generator screenshot

Tailwind Gradient Generator Build with Vue JS, Vite, and Tailwind CSS

Hamster Kombat Telegram Mini App Clone screenshot

A clone of the popular Telegram mini app Hamster Kombat (clicker game), built with Vite, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS

Hot screenshot



🍕The site that recommends the hottest projects on GitHub.

Litestar Fullstack screenshot

Litestar Fullstack Reference Application with React, Vite, SQLAlchemy, Docker, Task Queues, and more!

Notcoin Telegram Mini App Clone screenshot

A clone of the popular Telegram mini app Notcoin (clicker game), built with Vite, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS

Peeky screenshot

A fast and fun test runner for Vite & Node 🐈️ Powered by Vite ⚡️

Playground Macos screenshot

My portfolio website simulating macOS's GUI, developed with React and UnoCSS.

Switchboard With Vite Demo screenshot

Demo: react-switchboard with Vite

Vitawind screenshot

Install and Setting Tailwindcss automatically for Vite

Astro Nano screenshot

Astro Nano is a static, minimalist, lightweight, lightning fast portfolio and blog. screenshot

A course catalog with extremely fast full-text search

Codeverter screenshot

Convert code to your programming language of choice

Color Color screenshot

Website to generate color palettes in Okhsl and HSLuv color spaces

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