Latest Tailwind Themes

The latest Tailwind themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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The Beginner's Ultimate Boilerplate to Accelerate Your SaaS. Launch your SaaS fast with auth, payment, landing page, and database setup. Minimal and easy configuration, save hours of headaches.

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React, HTML and Tailwind comppnnets built for sports websites and apps.

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30 Days of 30 Projects | One cool mini project each day using the latest tech stack for the next 30 days | For the 30k+ GIAIC Students | 1k+ Completed It.

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A website where you can compare every AI Model ✨

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This project is a full-stack web application developed as a clone of Airbnb using the MERN stack

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Airbnb Clone created with Next.js 14, Kinde, Supabase, Prisma and Tailwind

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A better visualization of different algorithms made with React

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My personal website built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.

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An opinionated, unstyled static blogging template—built with Astro, Tailwind, and shadcn/ui.

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Craft flowcharts and diagrams effortlessly with Blox AI. Seamlessly create visuals and rich documentation, collaborate with your team, and enjoy secure sharing. Start visualizing your ideas today!

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