Latest Tailwind Themes

The latest Tailwind themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Coc Tailwindcss3 screenshot

Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for coc.nvim

Components screenshot

Fully responsive and beautiful HTML components made with VueJS and TailwindCSS.

Css Scope Inline screenshot

🌘 Scope your inline style tags in pure vanilla CSS! Only 16 lines. No build. No dependencies.

Curlwind screenshot

Generate Tailwind utility stylesheets on demand. screenshot

Tailwind Ink is an AI palette generator trained with the Tailwindcss colors.

Easy Tailwind screenshot

An easier way of writing Tailwind classes.

Elecrue screenshot

A boiler code generator for Electron with React or Vue with Taildwindcss or Bootstrap in both JavaScript & TypeScript

Elegant Cli screenshot

✨ Build SEO-friendly websites, super fast full-stack web applications, and much more with Elegant. 💜 Built with Next.js, TipTap, Tailwind CSS, and more.

Excalith Start Page screenshot

Terminal-inspired, clean, feature-rich and customizable browser start page for geeks. Has built-in editor for customizing. screenshot

Effortlessly track and manage expenses on-the-go with categorisation and logging.

FluentCMS screenshot

ASP.NET Core Blazor Content Management System (CMS)

FormsLab screenshot

😊📊 Form builder for anonymous surveys, polls, and collecting feedback. Experience management solution.

Giant Sur screenshot

🍏 macOS Big Sur UI clone for the web built with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS screenshot

⚡ A monorepo of my personal website and blog built with TypeScript, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS screenshot

This is my portfolio built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Sanity, Spotify API, API, MDX, Google Analytics and Vercel. screenshot

My personal website ☻ – Built using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS and MDX

Justd screenshot

Just D. is a chill set of React components, built on top of React Aria Components, all about keeping the web accessible. Easy to customize and just copy & paste into your React projects. Plus, it includes Tailwind CSS for sleek styling right out of the box.

Kutty screenshot

Kutty is a tailwind plugin for building web applications. It has a set of accessible and reusable components that are commonly used in web applications.

Loggl screenshot

Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using HTTP requests

Meme Maker screenshot

Meme Maker for Supabase's Hackathon. Built with Supabase, Tailwind, Next.JS

Modular screenshot

A fast way to develop web apps using Laravel, Vue, Tailwind and Inertia.js

My Next Portfolio screenshot

🔺My portfolio + Blog | Next.js 13, TypeScript, Tailwind and Sanity CMS🔺 screenshot

🏡 My personal website and portfolio. Built using Next.js and deployed on Vercel.

Next Shopify Storefront screenshot

🛍 A Shopping Cart built with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Next.js, React.js, Shopify Hydrogen React,... and Shopify Storefront GraphQL API.

October screenshot

A simple GUI for retrieving Kobo highlights and syncing them with Readwise

Portfolio_site screenshot

My Portfolio website based on react, typescript and tailwind.

Re Tailwind screenshot

Brings TailwindCSS to ReasonML

React Native Whirlwind screenshot

Whirlwind is a utility-first styling framework specifically designed for React Native. It is heavily inspired by Tachyons and Tailwind CSS and uses low-level building blocks for rapidly building custom designs.

Reactirator screenshot

A desktop application to create and manage React.js applications easily.

Resume Json Pdf screenshot

基于自定义 JSON 数据的在线简历生成器 | an online generator that builds your résumé from custom JSON files and converts them into PDF / HTML format, developed by Tailwind CSS + React

Rss screenshot



PROJECT MIGRATED TO CODEBERG -- A simple twitter-feed-style RSS aggregator written in PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, Tailwind and Vue.js

Slider screenshot

Vue 3 slider component with multihandles, tooltips merging and formatting (+Tailwind CSS support).

Spotify Refresh Token screenshot

A simple site for developers to easily get their own refresh token for Spotify's API.

Styled Wind screenshot

A magical implementation of tailwind-like classnames into styled-components.

Superkey screenshot

🔭 A beautifully command menu for React. Built with headlessUI.

T3 Blog screenshot

Typescript Fullstack forum made with Next.js, tRPC, Prisma, Next Auth, Tailwind CSS, S3 uploads, Zod & more.

Tailwindcss Highlights screenshot

A plugin for tailwindcss to add highlights to your text

Tailwindcss Logical screenshot

A CSS Logical Properties and Values plugin for Tailwind CSS.

Tailwindcss Question Mark screenshot

Adds a helpful ❓ dev time utility class

Tailwindcss Radix Colors screenshot

A Tailwind CSS plugin that brings Radix UI's color system to Tailwind CSS.

Tailwindest screenshot

Write typesafe, reusable tailwind classname🔮

Tall Forms screenshot

Laravel Livewire (TALL-stack) form generator with realtime validation, file uploads, array fields, blade form input components and more.

TER screenshot



Fullstack Boilerplate with tRPC, Express and React.

Tw2panda screenshot

Easily migrate code from tailwind to Panda CSS

Twidge screenshot

Twidge is a fresh approach to productivity. It integrates with your workflow and allows you to be your most productive self.

Ui Snippets screenshot

Collection of dark mode components and effects crafted in React and Tailwind CSS.

Vanilla_breeze screenshot

Convert Tailwind CSS to Semantic CSS

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