Responsive range slider library written in typescript and using web component technologies. Pure JavaScript without additional dependencies. It has a rich set of settings, including any number of pointers (knobs), vertical and horizontal slider, touch, mousewheel and keyboard support, local and ...
A set of Bootstrap & Tailwind based website templates ready to be used to create stunning websites.
Drag and drop Accessible kanban board implementing using React, @dnd-kit, tailwind and shadcn/ui
Free and Open Source UI Kit for Tailwind CSS and React based on Google's Material Design.
My personal website made with Next.js, Tailwind, MDX, Radix Primitives, Framer Motion, all on Vercel.
A No-Code developer website builder experiment created with ReScript. The builder creates a JSON from the user input and renders a pre-defined template. Supports links, blog page, and GitHub repositories as input.
基于TailwindCss,通过拖拽可视化配置快速构建现代化响应式UI、可自定义、多主题、多语言的网站应用,包含美观的后台管理主题,拥有完整的前端解决方案。 Easily build responsive web apps with TailwindCSS, featuring diverse themes, multilingual support, and drag-and-drop functionality for complete frontend solutions.
A sample Next.js starter site that uses Agility CMS and aims to be a foundation for building incredible websites using Next.js and Agility CMS.
Use multiple non-traditional back-ends for Next.js project. Built to support talk at Next.js Conf 2020.
A comparison on build performance of popular SSGs, as they are tasked with processing local markdown files as the data source
(Public Release Summer 2024) Personal Marketing Platform. A powerful platform for your online identity.
HyperJS is a component library for Alpine JS allowing developers to quickly copy and paste functionality into their projects 🛵
The Magic Patterns Catalog is an open-source website that lists the most popular React component libraries, helping you find the perfect component.
TallStackUI is a powerful suite of Blade components that elevate your workflow of Livewire applications.
The _tw generator creates a WordPress starter theme optimized for modern development with Tailwind CSS, Tailwind Typography and the WordPress editor.
The simplest WordPress starter theme including full setup for Tailwind CSS, Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, Vite, TypeScript, Browsersync, imagemin, Prettier, stylelint, ESLint.
Catalyst UI is a component library built on top of Radix UI Primitives and styled with Tailwind CSS
A beautiful, accessible, and fully customizable Tailwind UI library for React. Maybe the easiest themeing experience ever? Free and open source.
A streamlined Tailwind CSS template for Create React App in TypeScript
Opinionated Next.js Starter with TypeScript, Tailwind, MDX, and decent SEO
A starting point for building an iOS, Android, and Progressive Web App with Tailwind CSS, React w/ Next.js, Ionic Framework, and Capacitor
Shopify theme development environment using Liquid, Vue and Tailwind CSS. Built on top of Shopify CLI 🧪
SonWan UI is a modular UI component library based on figma design to build your next React Web Application.
Basic demo on how to switch styles with Tailwind, handy for dark mode type purposes.
Media-query- or JavaScript-based theme variants with fallback for Tailwind CSS