🦚 Beautiful Nextjs starter for software engineers and designers to show work they're so proud of
🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects of remotely hiring organizations.
Highly customizable react components for crafting modern, personalized websites and applications.
If you are really into the "Vitesse" starter template created by Anthony Fu (Vue core team member) but want to use the clean architectural pattern instead of monolithic architecture, then you can clone this repo and use your own project. Have fun 🙂!
🐬 Dolphin Admin Vue is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend management template based on Vue 3 + Vite + Naive UI + TypeScript + TailwindCSS.
A curated list of awesome Nextjs-based libraries that help build small and large-scale applications with next.js.
利用uniapp+tailwindcss 3.x+uview 1.x+vue-cli搭建的一套基础模板,可以使用Webstorm或者vscode开发。集成miniprogram-ci自动部署
🌏 基于 Vue3 + Vite 5 + Pinia 2 + TypeScript + Element-Plus + Vue Router 4 + UnoCSS + Unplugin + ESLint(v9) + Vitest 的原型 Web 端模板框架, 支持路由切换国际化语言, 自动导入 🚀🚀🚀 适合快速开发 B 端模块化产品的中小型后台管理系统,基于 vue-i18n-next 💪 Starter using Vite5 + Vue 3 + Pinia + TS + i18n to fast build a admin prototyping(附示例截图)
🌟 A React component that automatically creates a @shadcn/ui form based on a zod schema.
DateRangePicker is a reusable component for shadcn using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. Includes preset date ranges, text entry, calendar selection and date comparison
shadcn/ui compatible react aria components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
Open-source SaaS Starter with User Roles & Admin Panel. Built using Next.js 14, Prisma, Neon, Auth.js v5, Resend, React Email, Shadcn/ui, Stripe, Server Actions.
Pricing Page template made with Shadcn UI & Next.js 14. Completely customizable
hopefully the last eslint config you'll ever need - customizable & modern best practices for JS, TS, Node, React, Remix, Next, Jest, testing-library & storybook
A Twitter clone built in both Next.js and Remix to compare the differences between the two frameworks