This project showcases the latest features of Next.js 15, including Next.js Form for seamless client-side form submissions, Unstable After for background tasks, Server Component HMR Cache for faster development, and Partial Prerendering for performance optimization.
Stablo is a minimal blog website template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity CMS
Fluid is a Hydrogen theme that lets you easily build Shopify headless storefronts by organizing your content with Sanity.
Sanity Studio v3 embedded into a Remix Vite application configured for Vercel hosting with visual editing
Sanity Studio v3 embedded into a Remix Vite application configured for Vercel hosting with visual editing
This is my portfolio built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Sanity, Spotify API, API, MDX, Google Analytics and Vercel.
We at LOKKEE STUDIOS are problem solvers at heart, fueled by a shared passion for exceptional web development and design from the future. Why don't you check out the fancy time machine we built over there?
A high quality, directory boilerplate built on Nextjs and Sanity CMS. Handles listings, categories, filters, paid subsmissions, publishing workflow and more.
Sandocs is Documentation Website Template Built with Next.js & Sanity CMS. Included with an NPM Plugin Landing Page.
Stablo is a minimal blog website template built with Next.js, TailwindCSS & Sanity CMS