Tailwind material-ui

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A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!

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React Dashboard made with Material UI’s components. Our pro template contains features like TypeScript version, authentication system with Firebase and Auth0 plus many other

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A collection of ready-to-use components based on Material-UI

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An enterprise-grade Next.js admin dashboard template. Made with developer experience first: Next.js v14 (App Router), Material UI (MUI), Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, VSCode Configs !!

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Frontend monorepo boilerplate. TypeScript, vanilla CSS/Tailwind/MUI with focus on best practices and painless developer experience.

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Frontend monorepo boilerplate. TypeScript, vanilla CSS/Tailwind/MUI with focus on best practices and painless developer experience.

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Browser extension that enhances the FACEIT experience and adds useful features

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Angular 14 boilerplate that comes with Material-UI, Tailwind3, Purgecss, Jest & Cypress Support, Optimal project structure & Interceptor inspired from popular blogs, source map analyzer tools, husky, all pre-configured and much more...

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This is Clueless official website where you can make your developer profile as well as meet new people across the world.

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todo.txt-compatible task manager

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A fast responsive webapp that allows you to report injured stray animals to the nearest NGOs.

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What your tweets tell about you? Get personalized answers to your questions based on your recent tweets. Our website analyzes your Twitter activity to provide you with accurate and relevant responses to your queries