Tailwind chakra-ui

Ethereum Org Website screenshot

Ethereum.org is a primary online resource for the Ethereum community.

React Print Pdf screenshot

Build and generate PDF using React 📄 UI kit for PDFs and print documents. Simple, reusable components and templates to create great invoices, docs, brochures. Use your favorite front-end framework React to build your next PDF.

Catalog screenshot

The Magic Patterns Catalog is an open-source website that lists the most popular React component libraries, helping you find the perfect component.

Catalog screenshot

The Magic Patterns Catalog is an open-source website that lists the most popular React component libraries, helping you find the perfect component.

Create Web3 Dapp screenshot

The complete toolbox to create web3 applications.

Chatgpt Ai Template screenshot

🧠 Horizon AI Template - Trendiest Open-source ChatGPT UI AI Template & Starter Kit for React, NextJS & Chakra UI

React2025 screenshot

⚛️ Build applications from the the future, today.

Basetool screenshot

Open-source internal tool framework. 💪 Empower your team and collaborators to view and manage the data you already own in a nice easy-to-use protected tool. Basetool helps you have a better handle on your data in a collaborative way so you can focus on moving your business forward.

Loopple screenshot

Template Builder for Modern Websites & Dashboards

Easy Tailwind screenshot

An easier way of writing Tailwind classes.

First Contribution screenshot

A repo where you can make your first contribution and get a contributors card in our website.

Starter.dev screenshot

A collection of kits to help bootstrap your next project.

Wisesa.dev screenshot

Source code of my [WIP] personal website™. Made using next.js and tailwindcss.

Lyrist screenshot

simple and RESTful API for getting lyrics of any song made using Next.js and Tailwind CSS

Ogzhanolguncu.com screenshot

My personal blog project built with Astro, Tailwind and Typescript.

Saas UI Pro screenshot

An advanced component library built with React & Chakra UI.

Shipped.club - Next.js Boilerplate screenshot

The Next.js boilerplate for busy founders, with all you need to build and launch your startup.