Smart Monorepos · Fast CI
The website vault (
Spotify client built with Angular 15, Nx Workspace, ngrx, TailwindCSS and ng-zorro
🎉 Web component JS frameworks overview by their syntax and features
The fullstack meta-framework for Angular. Powered by Vite and Nitro
Debug your Jest tests. Effortlessly.🛠🖼
Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material
A simplified Jira clone built with Angular, ng-zorro and Akita
Cutting-edge tools powering Angular full-stack development.
Set of Angular challenges to practise and train on Angular
Mamba UI is a free and open-sourced UI kit with 150+ Tailwind CSS components and templates.
Straightforward Angular starter
Angular & Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Starter Kit, Free and Open Source
Codemirror Wrapper for Angular
基于TailwindCss,通过拖拽可视化配置快速构建现代化响应式UI、可自定义、多主题、多语言的网站应用,包含美观的后台管理主题,拥有完整的前端解决方案。 Easily build responsive web apps with TailwindCSS, featuring diverse themes, multilingual support, and drag-and-drop functionality for complete frontend solutions.
Angular & Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Starter Kit, Free and Open Source
Notus Angular: Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin
Compito is a simple and easy to use project management application with support for Multiple orgs.
A CLI tool for integrating Tailwind CSS into Angular-CLI projects
Official Angular components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
An example storefront PWA for Vendure built with Angular
🍄 Angular 14 boilerplate that comes with Material-UI, Tailwind3, Purgecss, Jest & Cypress Support, Optimal project structure & Interceptor inspired from popular blogs, source map analyzer tools, husky, all pre-configured and much more...
Customizable free NextGen Angular UI admin platform & template
A collection of kits to help bootstrap your next project.
IT jobs tracker in Brazil
The fastest way to dockerize your apps.
Social network for developers.
Angular Full Stack Boilerplate Starter with PayloadCMS, Nx and Express. Free Open-Source Web App Boilerplate.
Lovingly crafted ui components based on web components. Works well with all Frameworks - including Angular, React and Vue.