Tailus ui

Themes by tailus-ui

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Modern html landing page built with tailus themer

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A modern and minimal creative agency template. Built using Tailwind CSS and available in both HTML and Nextjs versions. It contains work and services pages with a contact form and some general base pages.

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A premium Tailwind HTML theme with modern design and multiple pages and sections. Ampire is a great choice for marketing, startup and SAAS websites.

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A page template built with astro and tailwindcss using tailus blocks.

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Modern single page template built with Tailwind CSS. Available in HTML, Astro, Nuxt and Nextjs versions.

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Easy-to-customize UI components, blocks and templates designed to meet your needs using modern web best practices and tools.

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A bold, fullscreen portfolio site built with Tailwind CSS & HTML.

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A Tailwind portfolio template built for HTML.

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Build Custom Web UIs Highly customizable React components for crafting modern, personalized websites and applications.